18 Jul PPIs and their issues
Millions of Americans take a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) like Nexium or Prilosec to sooth their stomach ulcers, heartburn, and acid reflux. Ther are users of these products coming forward with many health complications including Kidney disease. They are looking for answers as to what their next steps should be.
What are stomach ulcers?
Sores in the lining of the stomach or small intestine that occur when the protective mucus becomes ineffective.
What is Acid Reflux?
When the contents of the stomach (including acid) pushes back up into our esophagus.
What is Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)?
A more chronic and severe form of acid reflux that can cause damage to the lining of the esophagus
Although it’s called heartburn it’s actually an irritation and inflammation in your digestive system caused by common foods like cereal, bread, pasta, milk, tomatoes, and chocolate. sixty million Americans report having heartburn at least once a month with 20% of Americans suffering from frequent heartburn.
What are Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)?
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most widely sold group of drugs in the world that function to reduce the production of gastric acid production in the stomach. PPIs irreversibly blocking the actions of an enzyme responsible for acid production located in the parietal cells in the stomach wall.
The Problem With PPIs?
Their response time is quick and soothing ulcers, heartburn, and acid reflux, but the problem arises when Nexium or Prilosec is overused. Long term use of both have been linked to various problems from acute kidney injury and inflammation of the kidneys, to chronic kidney disease.
Studies Prove The Link Between PPIs and Chronic Kidney Disease
A study of more than 10,000 patients found that those using PPIs had a 20% to 50% higher risk of chronic kidney disease. Additional test groups have had the same results. And patients taking PPIs have nearly double the risk of dying prematurely.
What is the difference between Nexium and Prilosec?
The two drugs are almost identical with essentially the same active ingredient. Nexium is the newer drug, but it doesn’t offer any substantial advantages over Prilosec.
Who Created Nexium and Prilosec?
AstraZeneca is the parent company who is directly responsible for serious health conditions caused by these drugs. They knew the full side effect of their products before making them and did not disclose this information as they should according to to the law. They hid the risk of chronic kidney disease and renal failure from the doctors and as a result, have injured countless patients.
What Should You Do If You’re A Victim Of Nexium and/or Prilosec?
If you suffer from chronic kidney disease, kidney injury, broken bones or any other serious problem while taking Prilosec or Nexium, contact a Nexium lawyer. Get one who specializes in handling medical cases like yours. We may be able to get you a financial recovery that could pay for lost work time, existing medical bills, and long term treatment.
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