08 Jul What is an asbestos inspection?
Anyone who suspects there may be asbestos lurking in their home will likely be worried. Not only is it a dangerous material to have in any home, if left it could cause health problems for anyone that lives there.
This iswhy, if you think there may be asbestos in the walls or in the attic or basement of your home, it may be time to arrange for an asbestos inspection.
What is an asbestos inspection? — This is when either you or an inspector with an asbestos testing kit looks around a building for suspected asbestos. The inspection includes taking samples of material found inside walls, under floors and in basements and attics, as well as taking air samples.
When should you get an asbestos inspection? — You should get an inspection if you think there is any chance there may be asbestos in your home. An inspection will either set your mind at rest when it comes to asbestos contamination, or it will find the asbestos hidden there. You can then make a decision as to what you want to do about it.
How long does an asbestos inspection take? — It depends on the size of your home, as well as how much access an inspector can get to the inside of walls, attics, basements, and even to boiler insulation and the insulation wrapped around various pipes.
Most of the time, however, a typical asbestos inspection (through a company like asbestos consultant Sydney) will usually only take an hour or two, as this is the amount of time it takes to gather various samples from around your home and place them in glass vials.
What happens after an asbestos inspection? — Once all samples have been taken and the vials have been sealed, the testing kit is then sent to a certified laboratory to be tested. This testing will usually take a day or two to complete. Once the results are known, you will then be sent a report with all the findings from the inspection. The report will be signed by both the lab and the technician that visited your home.
If you have asbestos in your home, you will then have to decide what to do next.
What happens if your home is contaminated with asbestos? — In most places in the country, there is no mandatory way for asbestos to be treated. That means it is up to you whether you decide to have it removed, or just to go on living in your home as you have always done.
If you do decide to have it removed, however, the testing company can go through all your options with you, tell you what will happen with each and then give you their recommendation as to which is the right one for your home.
It is then up to you to decide if you want to do that, if you want to do something else or if you want to do nothing at all about the asbestos already in your home.
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