360 Wave Brushes - Have you heard of them? - Monitor Doktor Wellness Clinic
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360 Wave Brushes – Have you heard of them?

360 Wave Brushes – Have you heard of them?

360 wave brushes are some of the most popular and fast-growing bushes in the market. They can wear down over time, and some are different than others so it is important to know the distinction between the best company brands and what characteristics of brushes make them better than others.

Quality Brand

The first thing to know when looking at 360 waves brushes is that there are brands in particular which stand out better than the rest. Not only have they been around for a long time, but they are quality brushes through and through. They are made of durable, tightly-knit bristles that are ideal for long term use that stands the test of time; the cost is not too high.

Ideal Feature: Spacing

The main thing. You want to look for in a 360 wave brush is having the bristles spaced out far enough, yet not too far apart. the best brushes are spaced out about the same distance as the keys on a MacBook or similar laptop are. When you get this greater distance between the brushes, it allows space to leave grooves that looks the best.


When looking at quality, the thing that you really want to look for is how sturdy the bristles are. Having a bristle that is strongly connected to the wood handle is also a very important quality to look for in a 360 wave brush, but since most of the brushes are already like that, this leaves the strength of the bristle as the one thing that will break the most over time.


One of the most important, if not the most important factor in looking at hard brushes is the price. It is very tempting to go with the 999 option because it is cheaper, but when it comes down to it it is well worth it to spend the extra $20 and get the one with hard bristles that will last longer. You can find this particularly on Amazon, Google, and eBay.


Perhaps the most pressing reason why wave brushes stopped working is due to regular use and the bristles going soft. The way to Best protect against and brush that will become soft is by buying multiple brushes with stiff bristles. when you do this and have a couple of brochures in reserve, you will never feel the need to continue using a brush whose bristles have become soft from regular use. Replacement is one of the most important things that you can do to avoid messing up your hair.

In conclusion, getting a proper brush that does the job the first time around is not hard to do, it just requires proper planning and discernment in a sea of cheap brushes. Always remember to stick with the higher priced brushes since you tend to get what you pay for, and ideally keep multiple brushes on deck so that you don’t feel like you are stuck with a brush whose bristles have gone soft.

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